ARI looks for your submissions
ARI Bulletin of the Istanbul Technical University is online
Current IssueVol 55, No sp. is. 1 (2023): Vol. 55, special issue 1, 2023: In memoriam to the late Prof. Dr. Yusuf YAĞCI (1952-2023)
Published June 12, 2024
Issue Description
Special issue for the late professor Yusuf YAĞCI (1952-2023).
Table of Contents
ITU ARI-A Natural Sciences
ITU ARI-B Engineering Sciences
ARI – Bulletin of the Istanbul Technical University is an interdisciplinary journal for the quantitative sciences, with a strong emphasis on research in interdisciplinary fields and in newly emerging fields. ARI provides an international forum for publication of substantial, original scientific and technological papers on the development and applications of engineered systems and interpretations of broad scientific interest. As a multi- and interdisciplinary journal, it aims at disseminating research studies related to all aspects of global science and technology. Manuscripts presenting the results from well-established analytical methods will not be accepted unless they describe substantial innovations or improvements in the analytical methodology. Whereas the physical and engineering sciences are expected to constitute the main content of the journal, all articles based on analytical and quantitative research will be considered for publication. All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical, and will be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted to the journal should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of ARI and are subject to both review and editing. There are no page charges for papers published in the journal. It is also aimed to be published in dedicated special issues, and thematic papers are also welcomed. English is the language of the journal.
ARI – Bulletin of the Istanbul Technical University publishes:
- Original research articles and short communications describing recent discoveries and developments in related fields.
- Review papers, dealing with emerging areas of basic, applied, natural sciences and engineering research.
- Special issues with guest editor(s) dedicated to relevant fundamental topics and to eminent scholars.
All submitted articles will be peer reviewed based on anonymous refereeing.
ARI – Bulletin of the Istanbul Technical University welcomes manuscripts spanning below fields of study, however, authors are encouraged to suggest relevant topics which might also be considered for a publication in the journal.
| Basic Sciences | Physical Sciences | Engineering Sciences | Natural Sciences |