Vol. 55 No. sp. is. 1 (2023): Vol. 55, special issue 1, 2023: In memoriam to the late Prof. Dr. Yusuf YAĞCI (1952-2023)
ITU ARI-B Engineering Sciences

Effects of Synthesized C-S-H on the Hydration and Micromechanical Behaviour of Alite Paste and Cement Paste

Adile Aslı Özbora
Istanbul Technical University
Yılmaz Akkaya
Istanbul Technical University

Published 03/07/2024


  • C-S-H, hydration, alite, cement, isothermal calorimetry

How to Cite

Özbora, Adile Aslı, and Yılmaz Akkaya. 2024. “Effects of Synthesized C-S-H on the Hydration and Micromechanical Behaviour of Alite Paste and Cement Paste”. ITU ARI Bulletin of Istanbul Technical University 55 (sp. is. 1):63-70. https://ari.itu.edu.tr/index.php/ituari/article/view/75.


To explain and quantify the relation between the microstructure of synthesized C-S-H incorporated cement-based materials and their engineering properties, it is crucial to monitor and understand the effects of synthesized C-S-H on the hydration of cementitious materials. In this study, it is aimed at optimizing and tailoring C-S-H formation in alite and cement pastes through the addition of C-S-H seeds for engineering performance and sustainability related properties while modifying the evolution of the microstructure of these pastes. To evaluate the hydration kinetics, isothermal calorimetry test was used to investigate the hydration of alite and cement pastes. Additionally, to investigate the micromechanical performance of alite and cement pastes, compressive strength values of the mixes with different percentages of synthesized C-S-H (0%, 4% and 8% by weight of alite and 0%, 1.25%, 2.5%, 4% and 8% by weight of cement) were determined at different ages on minicubes of 10x10x10mm. The results that were analysed showed that the addition of synthesized C-S-H significantly accelerated the hydration of alite phase and cement. This increase of the degree of hydration of both is ensured by promoting the growth of C-S-H clusters into the pore solution instead of around the tricalcium silicate or cement grains. The extent of the acceleration was dependant on the amount (and chemical composition) of the C-S-H seeds. As the chemical and mechanical properties of C-S-H can be controlled, this method proves that tailoring the nanostructure of the hydration products of alite phase or cement through the addition of synthesized C-S-H is possible for optimum engineering performance and sustainability related properties.


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